Clinical Lead: Ruth Thomas
Ruth leads the EnlivenPlus team. Known as the ‘dementia lady’, she has been a dementia specialist for more than 30 years. From the moment you meet Ruth, you’ll see her passion for people living with dementia and the desire she has for truly person-centred care. Ruth holds a Masters in Dementia, and pulls together experiences from around the world. She was on the Board of Alzheimer’s Tauranga, was a founder member of the New Zealand Dementia Foundation and is a dementia advisor for the New Zealand Ministry of Health.
Specialist Care Managers
Our team of Specialist Care Managers are registered healthcare professionals who have specialised in dementia care. They work closely with clients and their families and whānau to understand everyone’s needs, develop support plans, provide education and to regularly review how everything is progressing.
Living Well Support Workers
Working with our Specialist Care Managers, are our Living Well Support Workers who take clients out and about, keep them engaged and connected, and organise activities that bring joy, laughter and purpose.
Our amazing group of Living Well Support Workers have specialist dementia qualifications and training, and have been chosen because of their deep connections and ‘heart’ for people living with dementia.